Monday, August 4, 2008

Gel-10 Lifecast Prep

Well I posted the new Gel-10 lifecasting video to youtube. For those of you who are interested in trying out a Platsil Gel-10 lifecast here are some prep pointers:
  • Use a plastic bald cap if possible. A woochie latex cap will work but will cause some cure inhibition at the cap/silicone interface. For the video I use a latex cap. In warm weather the cap material won't much of an issue as the silicone will set fast enough that little to no inhibition will occur if the cap is released with a liberal amount of vaseline. In cold weather Gel-10 will set slower and thus may cause more inhibition problems with a latex cap.
  • Vaseline is the best seperator. Don't skimp. You have lots of little hairs on your skin that alginate wouldn't grab but Gel-10 will. Eyelashes, eyebrows, and other facial hair should recieve a liberal coat of vaseline.
  • An experienced model is important. You cannot rip off a Gel-10 lifecast the way you could an alginate mold. Start with a face mold.

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