Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Clay Pour

Here's the clay pour process mentioned in the Gel-10 lifecasting video. In order to make a prop head or likeness of an actor it is best to first cast up a clay positive, refine it, alter the expression(if needed), and remold it. In my DVD "Fundamentals" I go into the molding process.

Chavant may also be used for this process but it pours a lot thicker so care must be taken to avoid surface bubbles. Also, REALLY hot Chavant may cause outgassing of the silicone as all the little micro surface bubbles release air. This causes a sponge-like texture on the clay surface. No bueno.

If you are making a clay cast into alginate make sure your clay temp. is below the boiling temp. of water. If not, the clay will boil the water out of the alginate surface causing distorion or adhesion.

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